Scientific Name: Artocarpus heterophyllus
Common Name: Jackfruit, Halasu, Pelakai
Climate and soil requirement
The jackfruit is tropical and near-tropical fruit tree. It is sensitive to frost in its early life and cannot tolerate drought. If there is low rainfall the plants must be irrigated. Jackfruits grown below 3000ft from sea level are of good flavor and taste. The jackfruit tree thrives in rich, deep soil, sometimes on deep gravelly or laterite soil. It will grow tall and thin on sand, short and thick on stony land. It cannot tolerate “wet feet”. If the roots touch water, the tree will not bear fruit or may die.
Land preperation
Pit size of 60x60x60 cm should be dug with a distance between 25x25ft between each plant. It is good practice to add composts such as leaf compost or manure while planting.
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