
Shankarpura mallige (udupi mallige)

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $199.00.

Udupi Mallige is grown for its fragrant flowers.  Udupi Mallige garland is commonly used by ladies for decorating their hair, worshipping God and other auspicious occasions as it has the aesthetic value. The shelf life of Udupi Mallige extends up to 10 hours (under normal conditions) from plucking.

GI tag: Udupi Mallige also known as Shankarapura Mallige is very unique in its fragrance, speciality in quality and popular in the region, for these reasons Udupi Mallige has been tagged under Geographical Indication (GI) on 23rd December 2013 and the GI allotted number is 267103. This GI tag of the crop keeps with brand name for export market and hence fetches remunerative price for the farmers.

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Scientific Name: Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton

Common Name:  mallige, udupi mallige

Climate and soil requirement

The crop has greater adaptability to the coastal climate. It can be grown in plain as well as undulated land. Sun light from North-East direction is appropriate for its growth. Sun light throughout the day results in good growth and yield. Udupi Mallige grows healthy in soils having rich organic matter content. The plant has optimum growth in sandy soil, red soil, laterite soil and red loamy soil. Soil with poor drainage is not suitable for cultivation of this crop. Prolonged water logging may cause rotting of roots leading to wilting of the plant. Based on the soil condition and weather parameters the plants are irrigated daily or once in every 2 to 3 days. Form the month of December to May, each plant require 20 to 30 litres of water through drip irrigation. Hand weeding should be done twice a year. Mulching with polythene cover or leaf litter controls weed growth and retains soil moisture,



Spacing of 2.0 m × 2.0 m or 2.4 m × 2.4 m between the plants accommodates 644 to 1000 plants per acre. Pit size of 2 cubic feet is required. Pits are filled with mixture of compost (20 kg/pit), top soil and 250 grams neem cake to control soil borne pests. Planting during the month of August is recommended for coastal region of Karnataka.


Manure and Fertilizer:

Well decomposed compost or FYM of about 20 kg/plant per year during the month of September – October should be applied. Fertilizer application should be given in two splits, during the month of May – June and September – October. During first year 90:570:130 g/plant N: P: K should be applied and the dosage should be increased in the second year to 175:1150:260 g/plant N: P: K. Third year onwards 270:1710:400 g/plant N: P: K should be applied.


Soil and moisture conservation:

Cultivation of Udupi Mallige in undulated areas leads to leaching of soil and nutrients. To avoid leaching losses, crescent shaped bunds should be made. In summer spreading of dried leaves around the plant basin helps in conserving the moistures. The dried leaves thus spread around the basin converts into organic manure which helps in plant growth.



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