

Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹649.00.

Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) is a evergreen tree close relative of  lychee, The fruit is round to oval in shape with single seeded red or yellow color consisting of hair-like structures responsible for the name ‘Rambut’ meaning hair in Malay. The fruit flesh is translucent, whitish, juicy and sweet. Rambutan is Native to Malaysia and commonly cultivated throughout southeast Asia and south India. A matured tree yields about 48kg of fruit on Average.

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Scientific Name:  Nephelium lappaceum

Common Name:  Hairy Lychee

Climate and soil requirement

The Rambutan prefers tropical, humid region with well distributed rainfall. It flourishes from sea level to 1800 ft (500-600m)  altitude. The tree does best on deep, clay-loam or rich in organic matter and requires good drainage.

Land preparation  

It is recommended that the trees be planted at least 33ft (10-12 m) apart from each other. If trees are set too close they will become overcrowded and production of fruits will be seriously affected. Apply NPK (12-24-12) fertilizer 1KG per tree. Immediately after harvest give 1KG of Ammonium Sulphate  near the end of rainy season to each tree.

Varieties Available

  • N18
  • King


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