
Rose Apple (pannerale)

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹349.00.

Rose apple is a large shrub or small-to-medium-sized tree, typically 3 to 15 metres (10 to 49 feet) high, with a tendency to low branching.  The leaves are 2 to 4 centimetres broad, 10 to 20 cm long, pointed with hardly any petiole, lively red when growing, but dark, glossy green on attaining full size. The flowers are in small terminal clusters, white or greenish white, the long, numerous stamens giving them a diameter of 5–8 cm. In temperate regions the tree is summer-flowering. The fruit is shaped like guava in appearance that people unfamiliar with it may mistake it for a guava on sight. However, the fragrance, flavour and texture are different, and instead of containing dozens of small, hard seeds set in a jelly-like tissue, as a guava does, the fruit of rose apple usually contains one or two large seeds about a cm in diameter, lying loose in a slightly fluffy cavity when ripe. Shaking a fruit to feel whether the seeds rattle, gives some indication whether it is ripe. The skin is thin and waxy. The ripe fruit however  has a strong pleasant Rose water smell hence such common names as “Rose apple”.

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Scientific NameSyzygium jambos

Common Name:  Pannerale, Guljamun, rose apple

Climate and soil requirement

The trees are adaptive for a wide range of soil types. A loamy soil is considered ideal for the Rose Apple but it flourishes also on sand with very little organic matter. The tree needs a warm, sunny location that is not subject to significant frosts, although, they are said to be tolerant to short periods of cold. However, if planted in areas with regular freeze, the plant may not flower or bear fruit. Young plants have to be protected and covered when frosts are expected. The tree is moderately resistant to winds and tolerates cool and seaside conditions, although it is not highly salt tolerant so should not be planted on direct salt exposed locations. In India, Rose Apple does best on the banks of canals and streams and yet tolerates semi-arid conditions.

Land preperation  

Pits of size 60×60×60cm should be dug at a distance of 7 m x 7 m Leave for 15-20 days exposing to sunlight. Each pit should be filled with surface soil mixed with 15 kg farm yard manure before planting the grafted plants.



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