
Jade plant

Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $299.00.

Jade plant is a succulent and evergreen plant with thick branches. It has thick, shiny, smooth leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branches.It is native to South Africa, and Mozambique, it is common as a houseplant worldwide. Much of its popularity because of low levels of care needed, the jade plant requires little water and can survive in most indoor conditions.

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Scientific NameCrassula ovata

Common Name: Jade plant


Climate and Soil requirement

Jade requires little water in the summer and even less in the winter. It is susceptible to overwatering, especially during the cold season. Watering excessively can cause leaf fall and root rot. However, a lack of water can also damage it. It should be grown in a porous substrate with good drainage, which will vary depending on the climate it is grown in. It requires four to six hours of direct sun or medium shade exposures with bright light per day. In regions with mild weather it can withstand some light frost provided that the substrate is kept dry.


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