
Dragon fruit

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

Dragon fruit  is the fruit of several different cactus species indigenous to the America. It has a light sweet taste, an intense shape and colour, and has a texture of between that of a kiwi and an apple, All dragon fruit have black tiny edible seeds that are similar in appearance to kiwi seeds.  In addition to being tasty and refreshing, it contains a lot of water and other important minerals with varied nutritional ingredients. As their growth continues, these climbing plants will find something to climb on, which can involve putting aerial roots down from the branches in addition to the basal roots. Once the plant reaches a mature 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds) in weight, the plant may flower. flowers bloom overnight and usually wilt by the evening. They rely on nocturnal pollinators such as bats or moths for fertilization. Self-fertilization will not produce fruit in some species, and while cross-breeding has resulted in several “self-fertile” varieties, cross-pollinating with a second, genetically distinct plant of the same species generally increases fruit set and quality. This limits the capability of home growers to produce the fruit.

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Scientific Name: Selenicereus

Common Name: pitahaya, dragon fruit

Climate and soil requirement

The dragon fruit can be grown upto 1,800m above sea level. The plants can endure temperatures up to 40 °C (104 °F) and very short periods of frost, but will not survive long exposure to freezing temperatures, It can endure rainfall upto 2000mm.

Land preperation  

Dragon fruit is climbing plant, It need a supporting post usually made of concrete with length of 2.5m and at the top iron ring or old motor cycle wheel is used. The spacing between poles must be 2-3m X 2.5-4m.


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