
Butter fruit (Avacado)

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Butter Fruit is likely originating from south-central Mexico, is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. Its fruit also called an avocado, is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. The fruit of domestic varieties has smooth, buttery, golden flesh when ripe. Depending on the variety, avocados have green, brown, purplish, or black skin, and maybe pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, the fruits are picked while immature and ripened after harvesting. The high nutrient and fat contents and texture of avocado flesh are useful for different cuisines, including salads and vegetarian diets. Avocado is a heat-loving fruit crop.


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Scientific NamePersea Americana

Common Name:  Avacado, butter fruit

Climate and soil requirement

Avocados cannot tolerate northern India’s hot dry winds and frosts, typically grown in tropical or subtropical rainfall areas. Intolerant to saline conditions and optimum range of pH is from 5 to 7, are characteristics of this unique fruit. The climate zone of avocados is from true tropical to warmer parts of the temperate zone. Avocados can be grown on a wide range of soils, but they are extremely sensitive to poor drainage and cannot withstand water-logging. They are intolerant to saline conditions. Optimum range of pH is from 5 to 7. Depending on the race and varieties, avocados can thrive and perform well in climatic conditions ranging from true tropical to warmer parts of the temperate zone.

In India, avocado is grown in those areas where rainfall is high and fairly distributed throughout the year. Therefore it is grown under rain fed conditions and irrigation is generally not given. Irrigation at intervals of three to four weeks during the dry months is beneficial. Sprinkler irrigation has been reported to improve the fruit size and oil percentage and advances harvesting time. To avoid moisture stress during winter season, mulching with dry grass/dry leaves is desirable. Flooding is undesirable as it promotes root rot.

Land preperation  

Avocado is planted at a distance of 6 to 12 meters.  In areas prone to excess water, they should be planted on
mounds as avocados cannot withstand water logging. The pits of 1 cubic meter size are dug during April-May and filled with farmyard manure and top soil (1:1 ratio) before planting. Planting is done in June-July or sometimes
in September.



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