
Bread fruit (layering)

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a perennial tree with yellow colored starchy fruit and one of the rare fruit in India. It is grown throughout the tropics and is Originated in Borneo-New Guinea region. The pacific and caribbean islands are major production areas of bread fruit, Breadfruit is cosumed as vegetable than a fruit. Breadfruit thrive in Indian coastal climate with excellent growth and yield. A matured breadfruit tree yields about 600 to 2000 fruits.

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Scientific Name:  Artocarpus altilis

Common Name:  Jeegujje, Bakri-chajhar, Nirphanas, Irppla

Climate and soil requirement

Breadfruit tree prefers hot humid tropical climates, it requires annual rainfall between 150cm to 250cm with temperature ranging between 20 degree to 33 degree celcius. It is preffered to plant in partial shade during initial stage, In later stage they thrive best under direct sunlight.

Land preperation  

Best time to plant bread fruit is from June to December. Pit size of 60x60x60 cm should be dug with a distance between 10 to 12 meter between each plant. It is good practice to add composts such as leaf compost or manure while planting.


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